Thursday, July 9, 2009

Reinventing the Blog, Not the Wheel

Ok, so it has been over a year since the last time I posted anything on this blog. I started thinking about the purpose of this blog, and if there was a reason to even continue it. It had been a place for me to write here and there, but I found that the things I wrote about most often were things too personal to there I was debating whether to delete it all together. Then I started to think about all the emails I send out to people letting them know of things I find interesting or good deals I found. I decided to reinvent my blog. It needs a new purpose in order to continue. To keep this blog moving forward, I am going to just talk about what's going on in my life. Things I do, places I go, recipes that I use, links I find helpful, good deals, and just cool stuff in general will hopefully fill these unused pages that have been left empty for so long. I hope you all enjoy it.

Hoping to create something new for myself- Tracy

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