Friday, July 10, 2009

Summer with Six

I have been trying to not only reinvent my blog this summer, but also my health. An exercise regime has been created, and I've done pretty well at sticking to it. (No, Debord, I havent quit yet.) I have also been trying to be more aware of what I put into my mouth, and the effect it has on me. We didn't eat terribly, actually way more healthy than some, but with two kids we sometimes go for convenience rather than wholesomeness. Ok, so having said all of that, I continue.... I frequent a great website called Fitsugar (I am addicted to all of the "sugar" sites...casasugar, popsugar, ect.) and I found these six summer fruits and vegetables that are "affordable and full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants." I was sold. Here they are and why we should eat more of them.

1. blueberries- These little guys do BATTLE ON BELLY FAT. 'nuff said. I want to eat them by the truck load. If that isn't enough for you, they are full of vitiamin C, A, and antioxidants. They help prevent ovarian cancer, aid in digestion, relieve constipation and the opposite. :) I also heard on Oprah years ago that they help your brain stay young. Who doesnt need that? None of you are getting any younger.

2.cantelope- This tasty fruit promotes healthy lungs and eyes thanks to the beta carotene it has. One cup is only 56 calories and has your daily fill of vitamin A and C. Awesome.

3.raspberries- First of all, these little diddies promote an active metabolism. Again, 'nuff said. At my age, my metabolism is one of themany things that has begun to slow. They are also full of the 3 A's...antioxidants, antimicrobials, and anticarcinogenics. One cup takes care of 1/3 of our fiber requirement for the day. bell pepper- This is a hard one for me. I dont care for any pepper, really.However, they are good for your heart, your lungs, and your eyes. They are incredibly high in the antioxidant vitamins C and A. One cup of raw red pepper slices is only 25 calories. This could be great for a snack. I'm thinking maybe I can coat the pepper in hummus and I wont notice how much I dislike bell peppers? Would that defeat the purpose?

5. spinach-Here is another one that helps prevent ovarian cancer, as well as helps protect your heart. A cup of cooked spinach provides 35 percent of your recommended daily intake of iron. It is also high in vitamin K and folate, which is great if your preggers and if not...helps prevent depression. What's not to like?

6.tomatoes-As a child I hated tomatoes. As an adult, I have come to appreciate them for so many reasons. Who knew tomatoes increase the skin's natural defenses and boost your skin's ability to protect itself from harmful rays? They also help decrease blood pressure, and fight pancreatic and breast cancer. If you eat tomatoes four times a week, which is easy to do in the Summer, you can lower your cholesterol. Tomatoes are also a powerful antioxidant that combats cancer-causing free radicals. Nice. Cherry tomatoes are my favorite...I actually crave them. yum.

So there you have it. Six for the summer. I have found some yummy recipes that may entice you into eating these six fruits more often. I will post them tomorrow. :) I know....the suspense will kill you....

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