Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter Flower

Growing up, it was always a tradition to get a new dress for Easter. I still try to carry that tradition on with my own children, although I try to do it frugally. Their Easter outfits are from a consignment shop (LOVE THEM!), and my own is a borrowed dress from my dear friend, Casey. I have been trying to get Andre to let me get him something new, but he's kind of a Scrooge when it comes to this.

Anyway, I was thinking about my lovely borrowed dress, and how to wear it. It's a solid spring yellow, and I thought I needed something with print to add to it. After looking around my dressing room, I found a handkerchief that had pretty flowers on it that would be perfect. I didn't want to wear a handkerchief, so I decided to make a flower hair pin. Easy as follows:

What you need:
1 bead or button
small piece of fabric
craft glue
needle and thread
bobbie pin

First, I decided the size of the largest circle. I didn't have any stencils to use, so I just improvised by using different size wine glasses to draw my circles.
I used my craft knife to cut around the glass, but you could also trace the glass with a marker (I did that with the smaller circles) and then cut with scissors. I cut three different size circles, two of each. Six circles in total.
I mixed a little craft glue and water, then moistened the circles with it. This was to harden the material a little to make it easier to deal with. I suppose you could also try starching the material. My material was a thin cotton, so it was pretty flimsy. I hung the wet circles to dry by pinning them to my kitchen curtain.
When dry, I layered the circles and sewed them with a single stitch in the center of the circles. After I had done that, I went back and stitched a pearl to the top.

Once the flower was securely put together, I simply stitched it to a bobbie pin. There you go, one Easter flower. I think it turned out pretty cute, and I can't wait to make more with different fabrics. Now that I have done it once, I have a some more ideas for this basic concept. Will keep you posted.One way to wear it...
A little higher on the head...or...


  1. Really pretty. Can't wait to see your Easter family pictures.

    Love ya

  2. Are you kidding me?!? I love that! I am going to do it right this minute. I have that exact hankie to use too (I think I must have sent it to you from Japan!!) Great job!

  3. there anything you can't do!!! your amazing at everything, crafts, photography, just to name a few.....I'm just in awww all the time!!! Love you dear friend!!
