Monday, May 10, 2010


Looks like summer time has arrived!! For me and a lot of you all out there this means that we have to find ways to keep our kids occupied and having fun.

My FAVORITE is free bowling offered by many bowling alleys across the nation. We’ve participated at the alley near our house for the last 2 years and loved it.

Get 2 Free Bowling Games per kid everyday all summer! You can also grab a pass for up to 4 adults to play all summer for $24.99.

The only catch is that you still have to pay to rent shoes, which can be upwards of $4. I recommend actually purchasing bowling shoes; you can find them pretty cheap if you keep your eyes open (think ebay).

Before you think your kids are too young… Cash bowled for the first time this December (he is three) and he loved it. Bumpers and a little ramp make it where most any age can play.

They have already started sending out the coupons this week, so you can sign up and play tomorrow!

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