Monday, October 18, 2010

Halloween Mantel Decor

Ok,Ok, Ok....I admit it. I have totally allowed life to prevent me from blogging. :) Working full time, selling Jewel Kade Jewelry part time, and keeping up with my two boys and husband has wore me slap out! I haven't had a bit of extra energy to put into my crafts or my blog. I know all of you out there have been shaking your fists at the computer screen when you realize that I have had nothing new for you, right??? :) Not really, but in my's a fun fantasy. Honestly, this blog is more for me (accountability to keep me being ME) than for anyone else. However, I do hope SOMEONE out there gets a kick out of it.

All that being said, I want to go ahead and lay it out on the table. I AM BACK. I L*O*V*E fall toooooooooooo much to let it pass by without putting out a few fun recipes or crafts. Plus, this week is fall break, (YAY for no school!!) and I have time to rejuvenate myself with creative endeavors.

Here is where I started...the mantel. I was working with a shoe string budget, so most of my stuff came from the Dollar Tree or Hobby Lobby using their good ole 40% coupon. Take a look....

The subway art was downloaded, but for the life of me, I can't remember where I got it from...will find it. The other Halloween pictures were downloaded from Craftily Ever After .

I love banners with all my heart! I used Eighteen25 's printable banner to use as a stencil for my own. I used Mod Podge and orange glitter to spice up the spooky letters.

Eye balls, skulls, and glass cylinders all from Dollar Tree.
Skeleton is from Dollar Tree.
Fun spiders that Cash helped me make. I used Johnson
's idea.
I have more to show....


  1. it's about time. I missed you!! LOVE the decor. Very cute and cool. Banners rock! I want to see handprint spiders!

  2. I agree, banners are a necessity and sooo cool! I like the glitter.
