Thursday, October 21, 2010

Secret Pal Commission

I have been commissioned, by a friend, to whip some stuff up for her secret pal. I love doing things like this, so I gladly accepted. My first set of goodies are office supplies. I don't know about you, but I have a huge crush on anything remotely related to office supplies or stationary! LOVE IT. I hope my friend's secret pal has the same opinion. In her basket this week she will be receiving 4 magnetic flower clips, 4 flower magnets, and 4 flower tacks.

Aren't they just the cutest? I love Gerber daisies! They just always brighten up my day. :) These were super easy to make...partly because I didn't make them...well, I didn't make the flowers.

These flowers were bought back in the beginning of the summer for another project. They didn't get used, and I hated to see them just sitting there....waiting. I grabbed them up yesterday along with some clothes pins, magnets, and tacks.

I started by taking apart the clothes pins, and painting them green and blue.

The flowers had an adhesive backing, so I cut little felt circles to go over them. I then hot glued the flower to one side of the clothes pin, and a magnet to the other. The big flowers were put on the clothes pins, and the smaller ones on magnets and tacks. I pretty much did the same thing for the smaller ones, except just hot glued them directly to either a tack or a magnet.

I think I am going to have to make some for myself. Who else wants a batch?


  1. Sooo cute! It's all stuff I made for the craft fair....a set is perhaps in your birthday package....which is getting fatter....but will still be late!
    I didn't take my clips apart though. And I used Modpodge - love that stuff!

  2. ohhhhhh, I want some! My office needs some bright hues! -Darla

  3. These are really fun, Tracy. Good job.

  4. Just bring my to book club on Tuesday thanks!!! Looks great!
