Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My Love for Twine Grows

I had been thinking of doing this with yarn, but then saw twine bracelets, designed by Kenneth Jay Lane, in an In Style magazine (July 2011) . This is a Kenneth Jay Lane bracelet that sells for $50:

That's right. FIFTY smacks. Seriously. I knew there had to be a better way.

(I may figure out a better way to do this, however, this is how I made these three. I have worn them already a few times and they have held up fine.)

First, I gathered up some bangle bracelets that I didn't really wear anymore.

Second, tie a knot around the bracelet (tightly) and just start looping the twine around and around.
Third, once you have the entire bracelet covered, tie off the twine,trim it down, and use a little dot of adhesive (I used E6000, as it dries clear) on the end.

I made the natural colored one first as a trial. Then I wanted color. Again, there is probably a better way...I was debating between painting the twine once it was already on the bracelet or trying to dye the twine first.
I ended up soaking the twine in a slightly watered paint for about an hour (it may not need that long, that's just how long I was away doing something else), then removed it from the paint, and let it dry.
I think they turned out really fun and I love the colors! These are definitely going on the "Would be a fun gift." list.



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