Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bride and Groom

My dear friend, Casey is getting married tomorrow to an awesome guy, Eric. We have all driven down to Destin, FL, aka...paradise!, for the wedding. I made these shirts for them to wear during one of the week's festivities. I used the freezer paper method.


  1. Those are perfect!! Freezer paper totally rocks! Were they hard to cut out? Where did you get the template?

  2. I just googled "bride and groom t'shirts" and found two templates that I liked. Casey's was kind of tricky, but completely doable. Eric's was a slice of pie. :)

  3. What a beautiful way to bless your dear friends! They are perfect! Enjoy the fellowship, and wedding and the rest of the activities, have lots of fun, then hurry home! (smile) Love you!
