Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy Anniversary to Us!

Seven years ago today, I married S. Andre Crosby. What can I even say? I had never loved anyone more, and I still feel that today. It's been the craziest 7 years of our lives, with loads of ups and downs...but God has blessed us with so many wonderful things. We have a spectacular family, fantastic friends, and our boys are an amazing addition to our lives. God has continued to change/mold us into better companions for each other. I love the Croz, and all that he has come to be in my life.
This is an engagement pic, and the above is, obviously, a wedding pic. Both are pictures of pictures...not so great quality.
October 2010


  1. What a beautiful couple. Happy Anniversary!

  2. Double-ly blessed! Happy "A" day! I love you both!

  3. What a sweet commemoration of Andre' and the marriage. The memories pile up and sometimes you have to take a step back to really process all that you have and how it overflows. Our 6th is in 4 days. Happy new Year to us!

  4. Happy Anniversary you two crazy cats!
