Sunday, December 26, 2010

Tortilla Snowflake Dessert

Here's a sweet, light, and easy (always helps!) little after dinner treat. I made these last night for Cash and Luc since we had a lovely white Christmas; I thought a snowflake was fitting. They were yummy! Oh, and pretty! I found this in the Family Fun magazine. (Love it!!)

What you need
  • 6 flour tortillas
  • Canola or vegetable oil for baking or butter
  • Confectioners' sugar
  • Edible glitter or colored sugar crystals (optional)
How to make it
  1. Heat the oven to 400 degrees. Warm the tortillas (about 15 seconds) in the microwave.

  2. Individually fold the tortillas in half once and then in half again, so that you end up with a shape that resembles a wedge of pie (it will be thick). Using clean scissors, cut triangle, circles, or squares out of the edges, as if you were making paper snowflakes. Unfold the tortillas.

  3. Lightly brush the tops of the snowflakes with canola/ vegetable oil or butter and place them on a cookie sheet slightly apart.

  4. Bake them until lightly browned and crisp (about 4 minutes). Sift confectioners' sugar on the snowflakes while warm. For an extra sparkly effect, you can sprinkle on a bit of edible glitter or color sugar crystals. Makes 6.


  1. I know the boys were excited about eating a snowflake.... I would of been had I been there, missed you & the "guys" at Christmas.. :)

  2. AHH! I totally saw that in the magazine and thought.....I have got to do that. Then I forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me. We always have tortillas. So cute.

  3. How cute! so fun and festive....

  4. I'm so going to do this. I love easy and quick craft ideas!
