Sunday, March 27, 2011


For the longest time, I have wanted to create a "chore" or "task" chart for the boys. I found a couple that I really liked, and realized that we didn't want the boys to consider some of the things on the chart a "chore" (like saying prayers or obeying), so when I saw Erin's "Responsibility Chart" I thought that was a perfect title.
Ok, so I knew what it was going to be called, and what was going to be on the list, but I didn't know how I wanted to make it. There are all kinds of cute ones out there in blog land... My husband made the decision for me. He picked the one that seemed like the easiest to make and take care of. Total guy move. Probably the best move, though. I finished it in record time, and the boys have been over the moon for it so far. :)
I found the idea over at Moss Moments via Brown Paper Packages- Thanks ladies!
What you need:
scrapbook paper (optional)
typed list
embellishments (optional)
dry erase marker

Pretty much...
*pick your frame. I went with a larger frame. I think maybe it's a 12x16. It's one we already had and wasn't using.
* Pick some background paper, and embellishments you might want to use. I used a couple of felt stars.
* Type/print or write out your child's name and his/her list.
* I cut each list out and distressed sides with ink pad.
* I used a piece of card stock to frame lists, and distressed edges.
* My scrapbook paper wasn't long enough, so I had to add a piece of the card stock to the bottom of my frame. I printed the little saying to go on this part, and of course, distressed saying with ink pad.
*Type/Print title.
* Put it all together how ever makes you happy, and.....

OH YEAH, You're done!
Cash and Luc just mark through the things they complete on the list, and at the end of the day we just wipe it clean again.

We don't want to just "give" Cash money, we want him to "earn" it. By using this chart, he can earn money daily for being a responsible part of our household. How much??? Get ready...wait for it...wait...1 penny for each responsibility carried out. Yup, he has the ability to make .10 cents a day. He's four. It's fun for him to put all the pennies in his bank, and it doesn't break my bank. :) Eventually, he will save up some money (he does do other things on different occasions to earn pick up pine cones in the yard for Andre), and we will be able to teach him how to "Save, Give, and Spend" his money.
Anyway, there you have it. What I did on a rainy Saturday morning. If you want to check out some different ways to create your own chart.....look.....

Brown Paper Packages
A Bird and A Bean
Tip Junkie

Beauty 4 Ashes

Of course, all you really have to do is GOOGLE "responsibility chart" or "chore chart" and dozens o f printables will pop up.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Jewel Kade Weekly Discount

From now on, I will be offering a weekly discount of different Jewel Kade items.

These next two weeks will be filled with discounts on our (for a limited time only) Mother's Day collection. Mother's Day is 6 weeks away, and although that seems like a LLLLLONNNNNNG time...with this beautiful spring will fly by! You need to be ready to shower your loved one (or yourself!) with the unique, handcrafted artistry of Jewel Kade.

This week I am offering 20% off of Glitter Sticks charms, the Grace charm, and the Duchess bracelet!

My Special SPECIAL for the week is.... Buy one of these charms at 20% off, and get the bracelet for 30% off!

(That means $12 off of the bracelet price!)
**Note- You do not have to purchase all three to get 20%. I am offering three different items at 20%. You can buy one, or all three! Your choice!**
Glitter sticks are available in gold or lavender glass glitter. Normally, $28....with discount...$22.40.
Grandmother "legacy of love"
Mother "living proof that love exists"
Sister "my forever friend"
Grace is available with your choice of initial and comes in lavender glass glitter. Normally, $48...with discount $38.40.
Duchess bracelet-one size (stretchable) Normally, $ 40...with discount $32.

These discounts will last from Saturday March 26th through April 1st. Orders must be placed through me, and placed by Friday 9pm to receive discount.

Thanks so much for reading, and hope you have a CHARMING week!
Tracy Crosby

Spring Wreath

Up until today...the weather has been beautiful here in Chattanooga.(Today it's rain, rain, with a chance of more rain.) It's one of the things I love about Tennessee. Spring. The trees are blooming in lovely shades of pink and purple, daffodils and tulips are popping up all over the place, and the sun is shining! Now that my allergies are somewhat in control, I was able to get outside this week to work in the yard. I really enjoyed it, and was inspired to create a new wreath for my front door that would match how I was feeling...

Of course, I am partial to the yarn wreath (as seen here and here....and here) However, this time rather than going with felt flowers I made fabric rosettes. These rosettes are easy peasy, and c-u-t-e! You can use them for loads of crafts.
Rosettes: (I should have taken pictures, I know!, but I forgot. Sorry.)
*Cut a length of fabric 1/2" wide, and the longer the length, the bigger the flower.
*Put a dab of hot glue in the middle of the end of the fabric. Fold the fabric in half and roll it up tight a few times.
*Put another dab of glue next to the roll and fold it over. Keep folding and wrapping as you go around the outside of the rolled material. Add a dab of glue every 1/2 turn or so.
*When you get to the end of your fabric strip, fold a little of the fabric under the back of the flower,and add glue to the back of the flower.

**Liquid stitch works really great to put flowers together, but I know more folks have a hot glue gun.**
Wreath: Look here for tutorial.

It's so fresh and bright! I love it.

Happy Spring!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring Nest Cookies

I know. I have been M.I.A. for a couple of...well, probably more than a couple of weeks. I hit a rough spot in the road, and it's taken me a couple of weeks to snap out of it. But ATLAS! Spring is here, and my joy has once again risen above the clouds. (Thanks be to God!)

This week the family has been off for spring break. We didn't go anywhere, but rather enjoyed just being home. There has been wonderful weather, yard projects conquered, and quality time spent with my boys....which is something that has been lacking lately.

My energy has slowly been rejuvenated, and I have finally started working creatively. My mind is blowing up with things I want to do to celebrate spring's arrival, but we'll see how it all plays out. I did get to work on a new spring wreath (that post is coming up tomorrow), and of course, Cash and I worked on these little Spring Nest Cookies. They are delightfully yummy, and make me smile just to look at them. PLUS- So. Stink'n.Easy.

Spring Nest Cookies:

12 oz. chow mein Noodles
12 oz. butterscotch morsels
1 big bag egg-shaped chocolates

Line a baking sheet with wax/parchment paper. Place butterscotch morsels in a microwave-safe bowl and place them in the microwave. Heat for 30 seconds then remove to stir. Return to the microwave and heat again for 30 seconds. Stir until melted. Add in the chow mein noodles and mix till combined. Use a 1/4 measuring cup to portion out the cookies onto the baking sheet. If the mixture starts to solidify in the mixing bowl, you can reheat for 15 to 30 seconds to melt. Place three egg-shaped candies in the center of each cookie. Allow to set for at least 5 minutes before serving or transferring.

That's it. This recipe makes 2 1/2 dozen...A LOT!
So run out, right now, and get your ingredients. Whip up a little spring. It will make you feel better, I promise. :)

My boys love the butterscotch, but Andre and I think we would prefer peanut butter morsels....just a thought.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Spring Open House Preview!

Happy Thursday to everyone! It has been a busy and exciting week around here, and I will tell you why...this Friday is my SPRING OPEN HOUSE! YAY! I am very, very psyched about this for a couple of reasons. First of all, we are going to have 7 different vendors, and Jewel Kade is one of them. I can't wait to introduce the new spring line of Jewel Kade Jewelry to everyone here in Chattanooga! Second, one of those seven vendors is going to be....Paper Wings Studio. Yes, I am going to have a table selling my little handmade goodies again for this open house. I had such a great time last fall that I had to do it again. I would absolutely appreciate all of you coming out to support this endeavor, and I am even going to give you some incentives... (Sorry such short notice!)

I want you all to spread the word, and tell everyone you know about this event. Bring a friend, heck, bring MANY friends, and come say hello. Want to earn 30% off of a Jewel Kade item? Would that entice you to come out? Ok, you got it! Here's what you have to do...

Here are the ways to earn the discount on an item. Leave a separate comment below (HERE ON THIS BLOG), and I will keep track of the names.

1--Post about the Open House on your blog, and become a follower of my blog.
2--Post about the Open House on your Facebook status, and become a follower of my blog.
3--Come to the Open House, AND bring a friend that wasn't directly invited by me.
4--Schedule a party with me! (This is the only way to earn TWO items at 30% when you book!)

Today I am showcasing items from Paper Wings. Let me know what you think! (If you are interested in checking out Jewel Kade items, go to

OH! Here is the important info. you need to know about this awesome event!
OH OH! One more thing...there will be giveaways every half hour all day!!

Where: Father’s house at St. Michael’s Church

2330 Hickory Valley Rd , Chattanooga, TN 37421-1722

When: Friday, March 11th 2011

Drop by between 6 and 8:30pm



Jewel Kade Jewelry

Premier Jewelry

Tastefully Simple

Mary Kay

Pampered Chef

Paper Wings Studio

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Latest Photography Gig

My good friend, Anita, needed someone to take some shots of her girls, and I needed some practice photographing real people. ( Normally, I prefer taking photos of non living things. ) :) She took a chance on an unknown kid (or a 35 yr old woman with relatively small experience), and let me have at it.

Last Sunday, the Adkins family met me at the Old Woolen Mill in Cleveland. We spent a couple of hours "smiling" and "acting natural." There are quite a few, but these are my fav's....
Aren't they just the cutest girls? It was a fun afternoon. These little beauties have lovely personalities to match those faces. :)