We in the Crosby clan are completely excited! We have been anticipating this type of change for months now. Looks like I am about 5 wks along, and will be due toward the end of February...27th ish.
Along with excited, I am completely terrified. I must confess that I am a worrier. I come by it naturally, as it seems to run in my family, HOWEVER...it really bums me out. I worry about time, money, debt, jobs, etc.....
BUT- Hear me now. I have faith. I serve a powerful God who has complete control of my family's lives even if I do not. He will provide what we need, and make straight our path. I believe this with all of my heart.
It's going to be a long nine months, and I am hoping for a more tolerable pregnancy this time around. Most of you might remember how dreadfully moody and depressed I was last time, not to mention...FAT. I feel and have prayed that this will be the "redemption" pregnancy. It will regain all my faith that pregnancies aren't all bad. :) Keep me in your prayers, too, folks and I will absolutely appreciate it.
NOW... I may be setting myself up for a let down, but I believe this one is going to be my girl. My sweet little ball of fluff, bows, and rambunctious ribbon! We have been tossing around names ( we already know if it's a boy it will be Luc Andre) and are noticing that we have no common ground. There is only one, maybe two, names that we both agree on. We both like Claire, but Andre doesn't want two C's (Cash and Claire) He's not into that, which is sad since it's been on my list FOREVER, and we both like it. He likes Grace, and I am a fan of Grace,but for some reason dont think it fits.
Here's the point. We need ideas. Throw them out there people. Let me know what you are thinking. I like all kinds....old fashioned, odd, short, long...we aren't fond of trendy names, though. No Sophia, Madeline, or Olivia. ( Let me also state that I actually love these names, or did before I couldn't turn a corner in the burbs without running into one.) So give us what you got. :)