I made this Easter countdown for Cash, but didn't have time to post it earlier. It's pretty cute, and Cash is really excited about it.
What you need:egg carton 12 plastic eggs
a little Easter grass number stickers/rub ons
treats for inside.

I also put an Easter Bible verse in each egg to read, and discuss with Cash when he opens each one. Some of the verses have a little note on the back that says, "Cash, look under the kitchen table." or something like that. Then when he looks, he finds another non-edible treat, like a bunny maze.

My eggs aren't as cute as the ones that gave me the
idea, but I didn't have any number stickers or rub-ons. I didn't want to wait another day to pick some up, so I just used a purple sharpie...yeah, not super cute. Cash didn't seem to mind, so ok it'll work. :)

PS- I took these pic's late at night in my living room, so it wasn't the best lighting. I messed with the color, just to make them more interesting... my artistic flare coming out. (um...not really.)
PSS- If you want to do this, but haven't started, you could always do a 6 egg countdown.

Enjoy, and HAPPY EASTER!
OOOo - I love it! We are going to have to try that! Also - my necklace came today! I am going to wear it tomorrow. I LOVE IT!! Thanks aunt cici. Do you wear it so te buttons are in the middle or on the side? And thanks for the cute flower crayons - they came out cute!! And of course the leap frog things!
how fun.. i think yours turned out great!! love that you used a sharpie... you have great handwritting so you can totally pull that off!! i also love all the little extras you added.
Tracy, Love your count down! I am glad to see the creative gene in our family has bee given to you (even though it skipped me) and that you have a desire to share it! You are a gift from God to me and all those that know you!
Very cute idea, there you go again so creative!!
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