Maybe I went overboard a little with the gifts for Cash's teachers. I know my husband thinks so. :) It's just that I didn't want to do too little for them, you know? Anyhoo, this is it. The last gift. Reeeeally, I only made the post it holder, the organizer, and now this cutie patootie notebook. That's not over kill, or is it?

Those super cool chicks over at Eighteen25 gave me this idea, and I pretty much copied how they covered their
Christmas Planners. I thought it would be cute for Cash's teachers to have a little journal to write down all the funny moments in the up coming year. As a teacher myself, I always think to myself, "I should be writing this stuff down...adults couldn't make this stuff up!" But...sadly enough, I have no cool journal at school to do so in. I didn't want these pre-school teachers to be without. :)

I won't rewrite the tutorial. Just check out the link above. As I always say, those girls are da bomb. If you haven't discovered them by now, you need to.
Peace out-T.
So pretty-love a notebook too! There is just something I adore about a brand new notebook! Good job! If Cash isn't already he will soon be the teachers pet! ;)
So pretty-love a notebook too! There is just something I adore about a brand new notebook! Good job! If Cash isn't already he will soon be the teachers pet! ;)
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